Enhanced Services

Quality Parking Lot Striping

Revitalize your parking lot with professional striping services! Our team utilizes top-of-the-line equipment and high-quality paint to ensure crisp, durable lines that enhance safety and organization. From freshening up existing markings to creating new layouts, we deliver precision and efficiency to make your parking lot look its best.

Parking Lot Power Washing

Enhance the quality of your striping job by thoroughly removing old, cracked paint with our Power Washing Service. This comprehensive service ensures both an improved appearance and superior technical performance, delivering the best possible results for your project.

Facility Power Washing

Maintain the pristine appearance of your property with our comprehensive power washing service, utilizing industrial-grade equipment. We effectively remove dirt and grime from breezeways, parking garages, sidewalks, and building exteriors. Our thorough cleaning process ensures that every area of your property looks its best, enhancing both its aesthetic appeal and overall maintenance.

Discover the
Line and Shine Difference

Boost your company's value with our expert parking lot striping and power washing services. Trusted by property managers and business owners alike, we deliver exceptional results that enhance the appearance and functionality of your property. With a commitment to excellence and precision, we ensure that every project meets the highest standards. Choose us to elevate your property's aesthetics and functionality, adding tangible value to your business.